Wednesday, July 16, 2008

They Came, They Crafted, They Talked...

Donna and I gathered with ten amazing ladies last night to "test drive" the study. It is difficult taking something you have worked on for so long and put it out there for the first time. It's a bit like giving birth, you wonder if everyone will feel the same way about your baby as you do.

The evening was all we hoped for and more. We are so blessed to to know such amazing women. Their comments were helpful and their suggestions were appreciated. They have given us permission to post a few of their comments on our blog and I will have them up in the next few days.

Donna and I were overwhelmed when it was over. I was teary-eyed because some had expressed how the study had touched them, Donna was teary-eyed because everyone had such joy in the projects they made.

The goal of this study is to glorify God by touching hearts, create friendship through conversation and crafting, and serve as a means of outreach to other women. I would say that we met that criteria last night.

Now it's edit, edit, and more edit, put the marketing plan together and then submit to the publisher by the August deadline.

In the meantime, enjoy a few photos from the Focus Group.

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