Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday it is!

Mark your calendars, the date for our focus group is:

Tuesday, July 15th, 6:00 pm

Thank you all for your prompt replies and your willingness to help us out with this. We will be sending some materials and information to you electronically in the next 7-10 days. We will also verify with you at that time that you will be attending so we can have enough materials ready.

Remember, we will provide dinner for you that evening. If you have any questions.don't hesitate to contact us.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Focus Group

For all of you who have been invited to participate in the Focus Group,
Due to submission deadlines, we will only be able to run one group. We also realize that a weekend during summer may be difficult for some of you so we have added a weekday evening option.

Noted below are the 3 dates we have reserved on our calendars. We will only be able to run one Focus group which means that the date will be determined by the majority. Please check the dates and then let us know which date will work for you.

We hope you all will be able to attend as we value your opinion and your comments will assist us in making our Bible Study the best it can be.

If you are able to attend, please email us with the date that works best for you (if more than one are okay, let us know that as well). We need to hear from you by July 2nd.

Thank you all for your willingness to help us!

Focus Group Dates
Saturday, July 12th 12:00 noon - lunch provided
Sunday, July 13th, 12:00 noon - lunch provided
Tuesday, July 15th, 6:00 pm - dinner provided

The focus groups will be conducted at Donna's studio.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Deadline Looms

We have an August submission deadline for our Bible study. We are in the midst of putting together a July focus group which means scheduling, getting materials together, writing questionaires, and editing, editing and more editing of the manuscript (oh, and feeding all those helpful women who will be there to give us their opinion).

It's exciting and terrifying to be this close. Of course, any publishers that read this blog are more than welcome to offer us a contract now and help us avoid all this angst and stress. (-: